356 entries.
Jim Will -had part of his thyroid gland removed last Feb. Please keep him in your prayers as well.
Ref. HARRY FETSICK- I spoke with Harry's wife today, Rosie, and Harry is still in rehab. I tried to call Harry at his room number but with no luck. (412)826-6270.
She said they have taken him out to eat once and hopefully they can bring him home for the day possibly tomorrow.
He is still awaiting the third knee surgery of which a date is not known yet. Please continue to keep Harry, Rosie and their family in your prayers. Remember cards, calls, emails, and prayers go a long way.
R ef: Harry Fetsick-First let me apologize for misspelling Harry's last name on the post. I received the following from Dan reeves today.
" Just received a call from Harry. Sounded in good spirits ready for more therapy at another facility. Doctors tell him they expect he will be there 4 to 6 weeks then he should be able to go home to continue healing. Then they will need to do the surgery again. He Hopes to be able to attend the reunion in Sept. "
New phone number 412 862- 2670
Remember cards, calls, emails and prayers go a long way.
Ref. HARRY FETZECK: I spoke with Harry for the first time in about a month. He told me the hospital had been having phone problems, but I did reach him at the last number I posted (412-360-2154). He thanked Dan Reeves for passing on a lot of info and wanted to hear from the members. I also thanked his wife as well for keeping us updated due to phone service.
He's still recuperating from his third knee surgery and is possibly looking at a fourth surgery to it. He can't bear any weight on his leg at present but is going through PT on a regular basis. Please remember to keep him and his family in your thoughts and prayers. Cards, calls, emails, and prayers go a long way!
Ref. HARRY FETSICK: I spoke with Harry's wife today for an update on Harry. He has had three surgeries over the past three weeks to clear the infection in his knee. They are planning on putting him on antibiotics via IV for six weeks. They are looking at moving him to a rehab center, but he is currently still in the VA in Pittsburg, PA. He does have a phone # in his room. 412-360-2154. Please continue to keep Harry and his family in your prayers during this trying time. Remember, cards, calls, emails, and prayers go a long way.
Ref. Don Strong- I received the following email from Rich SIEBE. "I Saw an obituary for Don Strong’s wife today. He is life member #173. She passed away on 6/19. Don’t know if you heard about this.
Please keep Don and his family in your prayers. Remember cards, call, emails and prayers go a long way!
REF; JUDY DINGMAN; I received an email from Judy that while she was in Texas with her son and his family, she tested positive for Covid. Her son also tested positive. She says she appears to have minor symptoms right now as well as her son. Please keep them in your prayers. Remember cards, calls, emails and prayers go a long way.
A/2/17 68 69 when I got there we were at lz chopper down the hill that was a bad deal
We had auction build by July. Boy we had one hell of a get down.there was genwestmorlan and ever one else you could thank of. Action catch hell for a while the boys in the trucks is the ones that catch hell I could right all day
HARRY FETSICK- I just spoke with Harry's wife Rosie pertaining his condition. He has been moved again for the 12th or 13th time and now back in the VA in Oakland, PA.
She reported that they took his cast off his knee this week from surgery and the area operated on was full of infection under his knee and will possibly be more surgery. He is still somewhat confused at times. The hospital # for him is 412-360-2154 (He doesn't have his cell phone with him. The family needs a lot of prayers right now especially Harry. Remember cards, calls, emails, and prayers go a long way!
In LIGHT of our Protected
2nd Amendment Rights
I wish to offer something
For Thought and Open a
Channel to discussion.
Yes what happened WAS
Tragic ... And should not
Happen but I BELIEVE more is behind it.
Something isn't right
More oddities re: TX School Shooter, for your pondering a
18 year old transvestite ILLEGAL who lived with his grandma. Part time job at McDonald's (8 hours a week), minimum wage. He dressed up in girl's clothes — and had a very expensive female wardrobe. Dropped out of school because he was obsessed with video games.
Had a Brand new $expensive game console. A $brand new F250 pickup “fully loaded.” $Weapons: 2 Brand new Daniel Defense (brand) AR15/M4 rifles, with Military grade Optics. Each rifle is between 3,000 and 4,000 dollars. $Thousands of rounds of Military grade ammunition. A $thousand dollar bullet proof vest. All from a part time job at McDonald's...?!
Ford F250 Platinum $71,000.00
Clothes $3000,00
Game Console $500.00
Rifles $6000.00/$8,000.00
Optics $1000.00
Ammo $900.00
Body Armor $1000.00
TOTAL - $83,400.00
On Minimum Wage ??!!
Seems to me SOMEONE WAS FUNDING HIM and all these others training them as well...
And oh - he just happens to have known the Buffalo shooter? Seriously?!
And add to the fact that those rifles were EXACTLY like one of the rifles from the Las Vegas "shooter". EXACTLY, down to the optics, AND the vertical fore-grip. And that particular configuration is (legally) only available to "Military and Law Enforcement" ...
And just before the NRA Convention, how timely...🤔
Copied and pasted
I received my father's military history from the National Archives recently. He, Broughton Hargrave, served with Btry A 3d How Bn 17th Arty APO 281, July 1961. Please reach out if you knew him. Thanks
As, the sun moves closer to a close this date. Please do not forget our
Departed BROTHERS especially those of the 17th Family, from all the wars we have fought in...
Let's not forget our recently departed BROTHERS of the past 5 years....active duty, and retired .....
And let's pray for those who are in medical facilities....here and around the country...
We who have borne the battle... Are to be the Caretakers for those who
Have departed this world..
It is we who carry their Honor, with US....
Remember HE Ain't Heavy
He was my BROTHER & in
Some cases SISTERS...
PLAYS 28 Hallowed Notes
The one Tune that offers
Those who are no LONGER here....the
Ref. HARRY FETSICK- (Per Dan Reeves) Received text from his son, Jason, with new phone number in his room
412 360-2153. His son says he is talking better and knows his family not so confused now.
He finally had surgery on Saturday.
I called Harry, he recognizes my voice immediately. We talked about 5 minutes. He was alert but uncomfortable with pain. He did tell me the nurses cute. That's a good sign he is alert now. He is accepting calls, says he bored out of his mind.
He authorized this report to be posted.
Thinking of all of you today. And all that can't be with us this Memorial Day, know they will never be forgotten. 🇺🇸
Looking for anyone who served with SVC Battery 2/17 FA in Vietnam
Ref. Harry Fetsick- I spoke with Harry's wife today. his situation hasn't changed and they are planning a lumber procedure. She asked that we keep him and the family in your prayers. Remember, cards calls, emails, and prayer goes a long way!
Ref. HARRY FETSICK- I received word today that Harry's condition hasn't changed much but he had been moved from rehab back to the VA due to chest pains. Please keep him and their family in prayers
Ref. HARRY FETSICK- I spoke with Harry's wife today after Dan Reeves had told me Harry was hospitalized. Harry's wife told me that they went fishing about two weeks ago and Harry fell due to a bad knee. They took him home and he has been confused since then. They believe it's come from the fall and possibly meds. He has since been admitted to the VA hospital in Pittsburg ,PA. The address for the hospital is 240 University Dr. C , Pittsburg, PA 15240 (412)360-6611. Please keep Harry and his family in your prayers. Remember cards, calls, emails, and prayers go a long way.
Ref. BILL BEERS- This weekend Bill was laid to
rest in Lewistown, PA. The congregation was filled with numerous members of friends, relatives, and a lot of veteran's organizations such as the Veterans of Foreign Wars, Viet Nam Veterans Association, 101st airborne Association, and the 17th Artillery Regiment Association. (Forgive me if I left out any organization) Bill's daughter, Michelle, and son Albert thanked us for the flowers, calls, and support our members gave them and Bill.
Bill was laid to rest with military honors with his wife Cuma at a cemetery in Lewistown.
The following 17th members who attended and were allowed to read condolences from other members who couldn't be there, Dan Reeves, Paul Shepherd and wife, Jim Will and wife, and myself Richard Smith-Chaplain.
Although Bill is gone physically but his memory will carry on.
He was a good man, but God had a better plan.
He's with Cuma now up in the clouds. He's now got a reason to sing out loud "Hello Darl'n, I with you and Jesus now."
We love you Bill and Cuma. Thanks for good times, work, and patriotism you showed us. (Hand salute)
Ref: HARRY FETSICK- This just came in from Dan Reeves. "Just heard from Fetsick' s son, Jason. His dad fell hurting his bad knee and he is in the hospital. He isn't very responsive, in and out. The doctor wants to see if he can do better before surgery."
Remember cards, calls, emails, and prayers go a long way!
ref. BILL BEERS- Here are some condolences that members have given.
Thank you, Bill Beers,
May you rest in peace
may your family know
how much we will miss
both of you, but remember
You Forever -Dan Reeves
To a great man, friend, and patriot, we will surely miss you as we do Cuma. Thanks for being the friend and patriot that you were.
Rest in Peace Bill and Cuma. We love you both.
Richard & Cathy Smith
Thank you.. we deeply appreciate news of all 17th field artillery family. May they all Rest In Peace. Delmar & Patricia Beard, Phoenix AZ