AIRBORNE BATT AND OTHER UNITS.IM LOOKING FOR A DAVID Name: George Penny Linda Email: clumsums@alltel.net Phone: 2056297654 Date: CommentsHey all, Have a very Happy New Year!!! GO WAR EAGLES, and every one's football teams be a winner. Name: Mike Burke Email: cbtry17fa1ffv@earthlink.net Phone: 949 645 9284 Date: CommentsTo All 17th Vets and Families Merry Christmas to all and get ready to have a
fantastic New Year. C Btry 2/17th, Name: Norman Richard Jones Email: AnKhe2nd17fa68@aol.com Phone: Date: CommentsTo All: Merry Christmas and Happy New Year! Name: Thomas R. Kurtz Email: Kurtz_T@msn.com Phone: 217-732-4357 Date: CommentsWishing all a Very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year. Name: George & Penny Schaefer and Linda Larned Email: clumsums@alltel.net Phone: 2056297650--8172374566 Date: dec 18,2004 CommentsI want to say to all my BUDDIES have a happy holiday. It has been 45 years
since I arived w/the HHB 1st/17th in Name: James "Fred" Widener Email: flywide@verizon.net Phone: 802 863-4693 Date: CommentsMerry Christmas to all. Especially to Avery Hall, Rod Guerrero and all who
were shipped out to Name: Larry (DOC) Miller Email: millerle@bellsouth.net Phone: (704) 489-2130 Date: CommentsJUST A LITTLE CURIOUS ,IS THERE ANYONE OUT THERE WHO HAS THE OFFICAL WORD ON
WHAT TOOK PLACE WITH C/2/17 ON THE MORNING OF Name: Paul Fusco Email: pfvet@optonline.net Phone: 732-886-6344 Date: CommentsHAPPY HOLIDAYS Name: Thomas R. Kurtz Email: Kurtz_T@msn.com Phone: Date: CommentsI just want to wish all veterans and their families a Happy Thangsgiving. And
thanks to all veterans, spouses, family and friends, who attended this years
reunion. It would not have been a great as it was, without your presence. Hope
to see all again next year in Name: Bob Lund Email: bear6088@direcwway.com Phone: 218 5259840 Date: CommentsJust want to say "HI" to you guys of the 17th!! Checked out your web, #1, just GREAT!! I was with the 14th, 63 thru 66, went to VN on the Gordon in 65 so I know a little about the mighty 17th history, proud to be a part, proud to be a BROTHER to each of you!! Bob Lund Name: Norman R. Jones Email: AnKhe2nd17FA68@aol.com Phone: Date: CommentsHello, For those of you who do not know,the 2/17th Artillery has a new web
site in Name: Thomas R. Kurtz Email: Kurtz_T@msn.com Phone: Date: CommentsDOD has a new web site on supporting the troops. Go to http://americasupportsyou.mil/ The site gives details on how you or your group can show support for the troops. Name: Rich Siebe Email: r47s89sp@aol.com Phone: Date: CommentsNow that I have all the money that we took in at the Name: Steve Lowrey Email: lowreystephen@sbcglobal.net Phone: 860 456-1309 Date: 15 Nov 04 CommentsDoes anybody have an address for A Btry 2/17? I'd like to send them a Christmas card. Looking at the Memorial list it looks as though they could use some good wishes and Peace on Earth - couldn't we all. My son is with Air Force Security Forces at Baghram. He had a little excitement with an army unexploded ordinance team a few weeks ago; the guy that was supposed to be stopping traffic was gazing off at the scenery and didn't stop my son. A small mine was detonated 10-15 feet away from his Humvee. No injuries but a couple of P.O.'d airmen (maybe some dirty underwear too). Boy that kind of stuff is scary, but accidents happen - how many times did our guns shoot out, from loose sights or bad powder, or forgeting to take out the muzzle plug with an illumination parachute attached to it? (I'll bet that round had a strange trajectory) I'm rambling, the purpose of this messsage is: DOES ANYBODY HAVE THE ADDRESS OF A BTRY 2/17 FA IN IRAQ. Thank you. Steve Name: Pete Schwarz Email: petermartin3@msn.com Phone: 410-551-6760 Date: CommentsI also want to thank Tom Kurtz and the rest of the Association Officers to
make this reunion possible. I had to agree that I was the gun chief of gun #1
and not gun #4 at LZ Schueller from June 1967 to July 1968. Rich Siebe clarified
this issue with the assistance of aerial photography taken of LZ Schueller. I
really appreciated all the photos of Name: John deTreville Email: jdetreville@yahoo.com Phone: Date: CommentsSpecial thanks to Thomas Kurtz, Norm Jones, and Rich Siebe and everyone else
who helped organize the 2004 Name: PAUL d. FUSCO Email: Pfvet@optonline.net Phone: 732-886-6344 Date: CommentsJust a note to thank everyone who attended the Name: Mike Burke Email: cbtry17fa1ffv@earthlink.net Phone: 949-645-9284 Date: CommentsTo Everyone---I've been all packed now for 3 days and finally the time is here. I'll be leaving tomorrow Evening for the trip to D.C. Looking forward to seeing everyone again and meeting new Vets from the 17th. See you all soon. Name: Pete Schwarz Email: petermartin3@msn.com Phone: 410-551-6760 Date: CommentsI just found the web site of the 17th Artillery Regiment Association. What a
surprise! I was in B/2/17 at Name: Thomas R. Kurtz Email: Kurtz_T@msn.com Phone: 217-732-4357 Date: 3 Nov 04 CommentsThe association 2004 reunion starts one week from today, looking forward seeing you all there. It looks like we will have another great attenance this year. Thanks to all who are attending this year. To those veterans that have sent your letters and emails stating that you are unable to attend this year, thanks for letting us know. Hopefully you will be able to attend the reunion in 2005. Name: Jack Picciolo Email: purrsfive@comcast.net Phone: 815 838-3418 Date: CommentsCorrect email address is purrsfive@comcast.net Name: Thomas R. Kurtz Email: Kurtz_T@msn.com Phone: 217-732-4357 Date: 11 Oct 04 CommentsDue to familiy health issues, Daniel Lazenberry has resigned as association
secretary. John (Jack) Picciolo has volunteer and has been appointed to fill the
remainder of Daniel's term of office. Thanks to Daniel for the job he has done.
Best wishes for his wife and his brother- in - law, they will be in our prayers.
All correspondence and emails for the association secretary should now be
directed to Jack Picciolo. purrsfive@comcast.com , Name: Norman R. Jones Email: AnKhe2nd17Fa68@aol.com Phone: Date: CommentsCarl Trammell, we are in touch with several that were in "D"
Battery as well as "C" Battery during time that SP4 Cruz was killed
and Name: Carl Trammell Email: witchdr694u@yahooo.com Phone: 865/621/6616 Date: Oct.4,2004 CommentsI am looking for anyone who served with the four (4) gun 155 battery D of the 2nd / 17th from July of 1967 to or past Apr 1968. We had a gun explode, and I'm especially interested in remembering the date that this happened. The man that lost his life was a Phillipino by the name of (Cruz, I think). Any help would be greatly appreciated. Name: Dwight Brennfoerder Email: Dwight@GoodmanArchitects.com Phone: Date: CommentsI went over as an Artillery Surveyor and was at Ban Me Thout from 12/70 to 5/71 and would be enjoy contacting anyone who was in the group during that time. Email me Name: Kenneth McGinity Email: mcginityk@rucker.army.mil Phone: Date: 21 Sept 04 CommentsI just came upon the 17th Atry web site from Vets.com. I was in the 3rd/17th
Arty at Merrell Barracks in Name: Paul Fusco Email: pfvet@optonline.net Phone: 732-886-6344 Date: CommentsHas anyone found Harold Rines from Chicago or Phil Cordera from Name: James P. Hawke Email: jhawke@att.net Phone: 775-857=3477 Date: CommentsGreeting fellow vets! I served in Name: Ray Comeaux Email: raycomeaux@cs.com Phone: (337) 6253656 Date: CommentsI would like say that Name: Mike Burke Email: cbtry17fa1ffv@earthlink.net Phone: 949 645 9284 Date: CommentsAll 17th Vets Our 2004 Reunion in D.C. is almost on us and for all of you who don't have a 17th Artillery Regiment Assoc T Shirt or Cap, not to mention we've got Assoc Windbreakers also, and would like to get your Gear before the Reunion please contact me. I'm the Guy with the Goods. For those of you who would like new stuff replacing the older stuff you know how to get ahold of me. For all you new comers who haven't seen our Gear it can be viewed by clicking on the "Gear" Icon at the top of the main page of the website. Looking forward to seeing everyone again in November. You might say I'm almost packed and ready to go. Mike Burke V.P. & Quartermaster Sgt C Btry 2/17th, RVN Name: dave Email: odm4u@slingshot.co.nz Phone: 09 Date: -- Commentsdear fellow gunners and a big bang from Name: Jack Picciolo Email: purrsfive@comcast.net Phone: 815 838-3418 Date: CommentsThe reunion is fast approaching and I am looking forward to meeting old and new acquaintances. I had the experience of attending the Ia Drang Valley Survivors Banquet in 2000. This is a fund raisers for their scholarship fund. I will attend it hopefully this year and wondering if there are any other C Battery vets from 65 who might have an interest in attending as we supported the Cav from LZ Columbus and Crook. The dinner is open to anyone not just Ia Drang Vets. Please contact me and I will send details. Name: mike pearson Email: dinkydow@rraz.net Phone: (928)681-3345 Date: Commentsour bags are packed,we fly out of vegas on the 9th.we`ll check in morning of the 10th.,first one there should meet all others with some drinks...see all there....... mike Name: Alan Gray Email: pretribber@sbcglobal.net Phone: 714-628-7000 (Work) & 909-283-4349 (Cell) Date: CommentsI was Asst. Intel NCO with HHB 3/17th FA (Merrill Barracks)in Nuernberg, FRG 1978-1979. Name: PAUL FUSCO Email: PFVET@OPTONLINE.NET Phone: 732-886-6344 Date: CommentsTHIS IS A REQUEST TO ALL MEMBERS!! PLEASE CONTACT ALL MEMBERS WHO HAVE NOT
MEMBERSHIP.SEE ALL OF YOU AT THE Name: PAUL FUSCO Email: Phone: Date: CommentsName: Thomas R. Kurtz Email: Kurtz_T@msn.com Phone: 217-732-4357 Date: CommentsThis is a reminder to all 17th Artillery Veterans who haven't made their
reservations for the 17th Artillery Regiment Association's reunion in November.
The time for the reunion is fast approaching. The reunion is less then three
months away. (The reunion is 10-13 November 2004.) This is over Veterans Day Name: Norman R. Jones Email: AnKne2nd17FA68@aol.com Phone: Date: CommentsBelow you will find an article from the Stars and Stripes http://www.estripes.com/article.asp?section=104&article=22588&archive=true
Friday, August 6, 2004 'Steel Battalion' readies for Iraq duty By Seth Robson,
Stars and Stripes Pacific edition, Thursday, July 29, 2004 RODRIGUEZ RANGE,
South Korea — Second Infantry Division gunners are training to become
infantrymen for the fight in Iraq. The soldiers preparing for their new jobs are
part of 2nd Battalion, 17th Field Artillery Regiment — the Steel Battalion —
that has joined the 2nd Brigade Combat Team for deployment to Name: Michael J. Squadrille Email: mjsquad@msn.com Phone: 714-513-3042 Date: CommentsI served with the 1/17th (Service Battery) from June 65 through July 66.
Though a "SPEC"-4, I was assigned as acting Supply Sergeant during the
2nd half of my 13 months tour. We provided support to HQ, Alpha, Bravo &
Charlie Batteries of the 1/17th. Our (SVC) Name: Norman R. Jones Email: AnKhe2nd17FA68@aol.com Phone: Date: CommentsHello all, Go to the following web site. This is an outstanding site that was created by Pam Kennett spouse of SSG Shawn R. Kennett. They are going to link our site to theirs. http://www.thekennetts.net/17thmain.html Name: Frank M. Oliver SGT(RET) Email: sargeollie@yahoo.com Phone: 508-963-4856 Date: CommentsWas with A Btry 2/28th FA Bliedorn Kaserne Ansbach, Germany from Sept 1975 to Dec 1976, the 2/28th Was inactivated in 1980's or 1990's and replaced by 3rd BN 17th Artillery according to a picture of ansbach online. Name: Puckett, Bradley Email: brad9778@aol.com Phone: Date: CommentsI am currently a part of 2nd BN 17th FA and about to deploy to Name: Puckett, Bradley Email: brad9778@aol.com Phone: Date: CommentsI am currently a part of 2nd BN 17th FA and about to deploy to Name: Ron Skirvin Email: Rabdogske@wmconnect.com Phone: 270-351-0102 Date: CommentsJust to let you guys know that l probably won't be able to make it to the
reunion this year. l have had some health problems come up. l have to have open
heart surgery (valve replacements) either the middle of August or the first of
September so l don't imagine that l will be up and able to travel that distance
by the time the reunion rolls around. But l do want to ask for all your prayers.
l will be thinking of you all and wishing l could be there with you. l hope that
you all have a good time and fellowship. l can receive e-mails and phone calls
and letters. My address is : Ron Skirvin, |